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U.S. 19th Century Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers ## (2024) Editor Dan Undersander NEW

Bound Hard Cover $66.00
Bound Hard Cover $55.00
Contemporary Account of the First U.S. Postal Card, 1870-1875 (2023) Charles A. Fricke updated by William Falberg perfect bound with card cover in 4 color $57.00
Plating of the First United States Postal Card by Charles A Fricke updated by Lewis E. Bussey perfect bound with card cover in 4 color $46.00
Postal Stationery Michael Beck editor
2020 United States Postal Card Catalog Lewis Bussey editor
United States Stamped Envelopes Essays and Proofs (2019) Dan Undersander

U. S. Precanceled Postal Cards 1874 – 1961 by Josh Furman (2020)

The Lipman Postal Card - Forerunner From Philadelphia* (2019) Robert Toal

Stamped Envelope and Wrapper Specimens of the U.S. Dan Undersander (2020) Hard Bound $60.00
Catalog of Postal Stationery Airgraphs* Wayne Menuz (2020) $34.00
Indian Advertising Telegraph Forms 1923-1927 Steven Zwillinger (2017) $30.00
Postal Stationery of Mexico Peter Bamert, Wayne Menuz, & Bill Walton Editors (2017) card: $58.00; hard: $88.00
card: $46.40; hard: $76.40
Historical Catalog of U.S. Postal Card Essays and Proofs Bill Falberg (December 2018) $78.00
Penalty Overprinted Stamped Envelopes, Wrappers and Postal Cards of the United States and Possessions Thomas A. Galloway and Robert Derrick (2016) $48.00
U.S. Domestic Postal Card Regulations 1874 to 1885 (2010) Robert Stendel $45.00
U.S. 20th and 21st Century Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers (2017) Editor Dan Undersander

Bound Hard Cover $65.00
Bound Hard Cover $52.00
Canal Zone Postal Stationery (2014) Ed. by Irwin Gibbs
Laminated Cover
Postal Cards of Spanish Colonial Cuba, Philippines and Puerto Rico edited by Robert Littrell ... 127-page case bound $59.00
Catalogue of Propaganda-Advertising Postal Cards of the USSR 1927-1934(2002) George Shalimoff and George Shaw
Spiral Bound
Thomas Leavitt - His History & Postal Markings 1875-1892 (2000) Robert Payne
Hard cover
Postal Stationery of Peru (2000) Herbert H. Moll

In the September 2004 issue of Postal Stationery, there is a comprehensive article covering the viewcards of Peru. Here is a Link to the tables from pages 127-132.

Plating of The U.S. International Single Postal Cards of 1879, 1897, 1898 (1974) Charles A. Fricke $8.00
U.S. Commemorative and Special Printed Envelopes - 1876-1965 (1974) Ellis, Maisel $2.50
Actual Size Illustrations (Stamped Envelope) Cutting Knives Handbook (2010) $20.00
Postal Stationery of Cuba and Puerto Rico Under United States Administration (2015) $22.00
What is Postal Stationery? (1986) Parks, Thomas $7.00

Collecting Tools

1920 City Type Surcharge Overlays Revised May 2015 $8
Printers roulette for Message Reply cards $4

Album and Collecting Supplies

Plastic sleeves
The sleeves are thin, flexible, top loading and completely free of plasticizers.
112A (4.062x6.75 inch) for FDC, package of 50 $18.60
112A for FDC, package of 500 $132.00
114A (4.624x10.375 inch) for UPSS envelope size 23, package of 50 $21.60
114A for UPSS envelope size 23, package of 500 $160.20
115A (6.375x8.375 inch) for unfolded US MR card, package of 50 $20.40
115A for unfolded US MR card, package of 500 $151.80
125A (4.625x10.875 inch), for UPSS envelope size 25, package of 50 $22.20
125A for UPSS envelope size 25, package of 500 $167.40

112A (4.062x6.75 inch) for FDC, package of 50 $15.50
112A for FDC, package of 500 $110.00
114A (4.624x10.375 inch) for UPSS envelope size 23, package of 50 $18.00
114A for UPSS envelope size 23, package of 500 $133.50
115A (6.375x8.375 inch) for unfolded US MR card, package of 50 $17.00
115A for unfolded US MR card, package of 500 $126.50
125A (4.625x10.875 inch), for UPSS envelope size 25, package of 50 $18.50
125A for UPSS envelope size 25, package of 500 $139.50


International postage supplement

International orders of two or more volumes, please contact UPSS Publications Manager for reduced fee

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