What should be listed in a catalog?

Found something that is not in the USA envelepe catalogs? Here is how to report it.

19th Century US Stamped Envelope Catalog Corrections:

20th and 21st Century US Stamped Envelope Catalog updates/corrections: 20th and 21st Century US Stamped Envelope Catalog supplemental information: Stamped Envelope and Wrapper Specimens of the United States

Postal Stationery of Mexico Errata (August 2018)

Found an error, or something that is not in a British Area postal stationery catalog?

Found something that is not in the catalog?

Here is how to report it

Catalogs depend on their users for updates That is especially true for specialty catalogs put out by Societies like ours. The strength of those catalogs is based on the wide variety of our members interests and inputs. Contributing to the catalog is easy: Simply e-mail us at or Tell us everything you can about your find. Ideally, you can tell us the die, knife and watermark. Scans of the item, front and back, must be attached to your email. Ideally, for mint envelope, letter sheet, etc. the back scan would have the top flap open so the details of the knife can be seen. Someone will get back to you. Depending on what you can send us, we may be able to list your item based simply on your information. Alternatively, we might ask you to send it to an expert for a second look and verification.

  • Corrections to British East Asia Postal Stationery Catalog.