Postal Stationery Search page
POSTAL STATIONERY - UPSS journal 1949-2018:
When searching you can just search on a word or phrase. It is also possible to do other kinds of searchs
by clicking on "Show additional Keyword criteria". The different criteria are:
Found in the title
Match Exact word or phrase (allows wildcard)
Match Any of the words
Match All of the words
Proximity No more than words between the keyword and
Stemming which uses the keyword as the stem and you choose the possible variants on the keyword
The results of the search is a table. Click the Issue number to get the issue as a PDF in which the word appears, or click
the title to just get the article as a PDF. The PDF of the article has the cover of the issue, table of contents for the issue,
and the page(s) of the article.
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