The United Postal Stationery Society (UPSS) was formed July 1, 1945 from the merger
of the Postal Card Society of America, in existence since 1891, and the International
Postal Stationery Society, founded 1939. There were 164 members by the end of the
inaugural year, and we now have about 800 members.
Postal Stationery became the official -journal of the Society in 1949. Editors have
included Eben Farnsworth, E. Norman Lurch, John Randall, Donna von Stein (1968-1972),
Jack Jenkins (1972-1982), Ross Towle (1982-1988), John Weimer (1988-1996), Glenn
Spies (1996-2000) and, since 2001, Wayne Menuz.
The Society has been active in producing postal stationery publications in the form
of printed and/or eBook handbooks, catalogs and manuscripts since 1955, when the
first United States Postal Card Catalog was published. The Society publishes numerous
books and catalogs concerning U.S. and worldwide postal stationery that are updated
periodically. They may be ordered from this
website or by mailing a request to the
Society publication manager. Publications are available to members at a 20% discount
from the retail price.
In 1996 the UPSS was recipient of a substantial bequest from the estate of Artur
Lewandowski, a longtime airpost stationery specialist and dealer, and established
an Endowment Fund to encourage publication of original books or articles on postal
stationery and related fields. Through the Lewandowski Fund, the UPSS has given
over $30,000 in support of public philatelic libraries and is a Founder's Club donor
to the APS/APRL Match Factory renovation campaign. The fund has enabled the UPSS to
expand its focus on literature. The annual Lewandowski Award is given to the best
work published during the past year dealing with postal stationery. It consists of
a sterling silver medal, and $1,000.
The Marcus White Award is offered at shows throughout the country for outstanding
postal stationery exhibits. Marcus White award winners for the year are invited to
participate in the annual UPSS "Champion of Champions" competition. United States
and world stationery is available to members through UPSS auctioneer and sales
The society's website includes a "Members Only" section that allows access to a
Bulletin Board, U.S. Envelope Die Gallery, PDF versions of all past issues of
Postal Stationery and several other journals, an Excel spreadsheet of topical
stationery, and more.
Prior issues of “Postal Stationery” and other journals can be search on-line
through this website. Words, phrases, catalog numbers, etc. can be entered,
and the search function will produce a list of issues in which they appeared.
In the “Members Only” section, the list has links, so that the whole issue, or
just the pages containing the words, is made available for viewing and/or
downloading as PDF files
The bylaws of the UPSS can be found